Frequently asked questions

Your questions answered

Running a business is like running a marathon. You’ve made it through the starting gun and established your pace. You’ve developed a business plan, found and managed initial startup funding, and are producing your line. You’re forging relationships with writers, editors, and buyers. You’ve built your website and your social media presence, and you’re getting your product into your target customer’s hands.
Expanding your distribution is a natural step. Working with a major retailer (like Macy’s) can be a tremendous part of achieving that goal.
But to be successful in taking this major step, there are some key things you’ll need to know.

Understand the retailer you’re targeting. What’s their business model? Who’s the customer? What are their price points, and what value do they offer their customer? Have an understanding of the range of business models, including pricing structure, staffing requirements, and marketing needs.

You’ve got to be able to describe how your line fits with their business model, and how your products enhance their offering and their relationship with the customer. We see a lot of vendors who lack basic knowledge about the business of retail, which doesn’t set them up for success.

A retailer wants to understand the opportunity a vendor is proposing: does your product bring in a new customer, maximize an existing business, or capitalize on a new category? In turn, your ability to speak to your demand and opportunity in quantifiable terms (substantiated through sales history and market data) is necessary.

The first step is to understand your competition. A major pitfall for emerging vendors is a lack of knowledge about the competition. Who are you competing against? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What is your unique advantage? Where are your competitors in the retailer you’re targeting?

Make sure you know their distribution, how they’re merchandised, and what value your brand brings to the table for the retailer and the customer.

To be successful in the retail environment, you must be able to articulate the value and pricing equation and have a fully intelligent and realistic conversation about what the customer is willing to pay. 

Know this will vary from retailer to retailer and be prepared to talk about where your product falls on the value price spectrum – and why it makes sense. Carefully target the retailers that are the best fit for your product line and your value equation. 

In this industry, you have to prove to the customer every day that you deserve her dollar—consistently, every day, with every touchpoint. Remember who your customer is, and who your retail partners are.

To scale up to working with a major retailer, you’ve got to be able to show the demand for your product. A presence in smaller retailers and a solid e-commerce presence in your own right will help demonstrate your financial backing and your growth—both key elements of successfully growing your business through a major retailer partnership.

Sustainable growth is key. Filling that first big order from a major retailer can be daunting, and many emerging vendors find they have to make a big stretch in order to fulfill it. It’s great to hit that “I’ve made it!” point and get that order out the door, but it’s critical to understand that’s not the pinnacle.

The real test is how you handle the second order, and the third, and how you maintain that ability to fill orders over time. Make sure your growth is sustainable, and that you’ve got not only an in-depth understanding of what’s required to succeed in your targeted area of business, but also shore up the resources you’ll need to compete.

Through our years of working with a wide variety of retail vendors, Macy’s has found that our strongest vendor relationships are true partnerships, with ongoing collaboration and strong, constant communication. 

Vendor relationships work best when everyone is equally invested in the opportunity and committed to working through challenges as they arise. We've found this to be true regardless of the size of the business. Understanding and respect for one another and for the respective businesses is key, and when that doesn't exist, the relationship is challenging to maintain.

We look for strong interpersonal communications skills in our vendors; we focus on being in tune with our customers and expect them to do the same. We also want our vendors to work closely with their merchant partners to understand the market and the customer.

Once a potential vendor has been vetted through our process and identified as a good potential vendor, the next step is to place the product line in test doors in our national network of stores and digital platforms.

All these topics and much more are covered in the Workshop, a free training course for emerging vendors. Apply today and start moving your business forward faster and stronger than before.

We recommend that you go back and review the application requirements thoroughly—all of them are difficult, but must be met in order for you to be considered for this program. We encourage you to continue to apply!